Tuesday 6 December 2011

glimpses of HER fingernails

Did I just see sunshine,
Or was it a glimpse of you from the corner of my eye.
Did you just take what used to be mine,
Or was it my heart that stopped, did I just die???
Was it a dark cloud with a silver line,
Or did I just see your face, lit up in the sky.
Did you tell me its gonna be fine,
Or did you just smile, made me feel alive.

All these things that I see, that I feel…
Are images of you trapped inside of me.

Cause its not only you that I am in love with,
It is even your fingernail…
And it will be like that even if you grow old,
Even when you get bald, even if you get pale.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Fuck You!!!

When taken in its actual essence it may mean "Shut Up!!!" "Seriously???" "Are you hearing yourself?" "How can you do that?" "Black people have an extra bone for running" "You need to take a bath" and so on...

When taken in the theoretical way it means you are a jerk to take it in the literal way and then give dumb fuck reply like "No not me... Find someone else" ''Not interested" "Are you gay?" etc etc.

When it should it be taken in the literal way.... is when you want to drop in a booty call late in the night.... A "yeah sure" "yes" "why not" "who's place" "Meet me in 5".... would mean that you just got lucky ;)

For few people in this world the term is like their bread and butter... So we must learn to respect it!

According to one of my friend it means I love you...
So from now on whenever someone tells you "Fuck You"... just smile back and say "Love You Too" ;)

P.S. no... black people dont have an extra bone for running! -.-
And yaa you do need to take bath... i can smell you till here!!!Ohh sorry those were my feet :D

Meet you at my next update!

Fuck You all till then :)